What is the purpose of parenting? Most people would say it is for the children. Parents are to teach their children how to survive in life, and be good people. Where both of those thing are true and very important, there is more to parenting to just that. There is another purpose of parenting that i want to focus on. That purpose is to help parents (adults) learn responsibility and selflessness.
In order to be successful parents, parents need to give themselves and dedicate themselves to their children. Children need a lot of attention, especially in the first few years. There are many needs that children need that take place of parents wants.
I have 7 siblings that are married who have children and i have seen a change in all of them as they have added children to their families. They have cared less about video games, sports and crafts, and focus more on the goals, dreams and desires of their children. They haven't lost themselves in their children though. They do the things they love with their children. They have just made their children the focus. Because my siblings have done this i have also noticed that the way they treat other people is different. They focus outward more, they ask how others are doing more often, instead of expecting people to ask them. They have become selfless.
So yes, parenting is for children, but lets not forget that parenting is for the parents as well.
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